Senin, 08 November 2010

Percakapan Micky Yoochun dan Yoo Ah in di Twitter

Ini chat antara Micky dan Yoo Ah In. Dapat bocoran dari (One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ!)
Penerjemah dari Korean ke Eng : Reo

Ah-in: 왔으면 신고를 해야지
When you get here, you should announce your presence

(Ind : Kalau kau sudah disini, kau seharusnya kembali untuk lapor )

Yoochun: 아인아….너 죄진거있어??내가 널 어떻게 신고하니….
Ah-inah… Did you do something wrong?? How could I ever report you….

(Ind : Ah-inah...Apa kau sudah membuat kesalahan? Bagaimana aku melaporkanmu...)

Ah-in: 나도 너에대한 기대치가 있어 그거슨 좀 무리수가 아니냐
I expect something from you, that isn’t a bit illogical

(Ind : Aku mengharapkan sesuatu darimu, itu bukannya tidak punya malu---> kalo ada terjemahan yang lebih pas boleh ditambahkan hehehe)

Yoochun: 새로나온 물인가??무..리..수ㅡㅡ
Isn’t that a brand new type of water?? Mu..Ri..Suㅡㅡ

(Ind : Bukankah itu air jenis baru? Mu Ri Su)

Lee Jaemin: @Yoochun @Ah-in ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아 재밌어!!!
kekekekekeke ah so funny!!!

Ah-in: 꺼져!
Go away!

(Ind : Keluar!!!)

Yoochun: 니자리 내자리가 어디있겠습니까??걸오사형…밥머꼬 걸오오세요^^ㅎㅎㅎ
There is no ‘your spot,’ ‘my spot’.. (T/N: I believe this is from the script of “SungKyunKwan Scandal” when they were fighting over where to sleep. XD)
Guloh sahyung… Come over here after you’re done eating ^^ Hahaha

(Ind : Tidak ada tempatmu, tempatku Guloh sahyung...kesini kalau kau sudah selesai makan ^^ Hahaha)

Lee Jaemin: @Yoochun 당신은 나의 개그맨!! 아 정말 웃곀ㅋㅋㅋㅋ핡핡핡
You are my comedian!! Ah it’s so funny kekekeke *heavy breathing*

Ah-in: 너 오늘 왜이러는고냐
Why are you like this today

(Ind : Kenapa kau seperti ini hari ini)

Yoochun: 너무 피곤해서 그런가보다^^에고!!ㅎㅎ생각해보니…너에게 신고하는 중이였어…아…음….
It must be because I’m very tired ^^ Aegyo!! Haha now that I think about it… I was just about to report to you… Ah… Um…
(Ind : Ini pasti karena aku kelelahan ^^ Aigoo!! Haha sekarang kalau memikirkan itu..aku baru saja akan lapor padamu..Ah..Um..)

repost from Sinopsis Drama dan Film Korea

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